大仪共享管理系统用户指南 User Manual
发布时间: 2020-02-05 14:13:17
Dear All,
For better servicing your research and helping to use the system smoothly, the user manual is addressed by 2 main parts as below based on the feedback from some existing users:
一、常见问题解答 Q&A
Q1: 如何注册账户并使用平台仪器?How to get an account and use the facilities?
A1: New User Register, A1: General Process for Using the System;
Q2: 如何设置系统语言为英文?How to set the system in English?
Q3: 我怎么激活本课题组内的成员?How to active my team member?
A3: 激活课题组成员,A3: to Activate My Team Member;
Q4: 我注册之后,为什么我的PI在“未激活成员”中看不到我的信息?Why my information can’t be found to be activated by my PI? Even I already submit my account request.
A4: 课题组内无注册信息 Why I can't be found by my PI?
Q5: 学校科研设施与公共仪器中心有几个平台?各平台怎么联系?How many facilities under the Center of Research Equipment and Facilities?
A5: 学校共有6个一级科研平台,各平台联系人信息如下:
There are 6 facilities providing service to
all researchers, the contact information of each facility is specified as below:
平台Facility |
联系人 Contact
Person |
电话 Tel. |
邮箱 Email |
生物医学实验技术平台 Biomedical
Research Core Facilities |
金炜元 Weiyuan Jin |
0571-85778637 |
jinweiyuan@westlake.edu.cn |
实验动物中心 Laboratory Animal Resources Center |
包晶晶 Jingjing Bao |
0571-85271682 |
baojingjing@westlake.edu.cn |
先进微纳加工与测试平台 Westlake Center for Micro/Nano Fabrication |
鲍可 Ke Bao |
0571-87929973 |
baoke@westlake.edu.cn |
物质科学公共实验平台 Instrumentation and Service Center for Physical Sciences |
杨祯 Zhen Yang |
0571-86912097 |
yangzhen@westlake.edu.cn |
分子科学公共实验平台 Instrumentation and Service Center for Molecular Sciences |
卢星宇 Xingyu Lu |
0571-86790737 |
Luxingyu@westlake.edu.cn |
高性能计算中心 Westlake University High-Performance Computing Center |
胡康勇 Kangyong Hu |
0571-88119597 |
hukangyong@westlake.edu.cn |
For the introduction of each facility, please refer
to the attached document as follow:
<A5 Introduction for facilities updated in 2021>
二、完整的操作说明手册 The entire User Manual (only Chinese is available)
Our system is still in the improving process, we are sorry for the inconvenience you might encounter. If you have any further question, please feel free to contact 0571-85278903 wuweiwei@westlake.edu.cn, your suggestions are also appreciated.
The Office of Laboratories and Research Equipment and Facilities